To the DNC: Under no circumstance will I vote for Joe Biden
I’m a life-long Democratic voter and proud Jewish-American. Under no circumstances can Joe Biden be the Democratic nominee for president 2024. Nor can I participate in his election as he is an active participant in the Palestinian Genocide and Israeli war crimes against an oppressed people.
He has disgraced our nation with his gleeful participation in this genocide of Palestinians and will forever be associated with some of the most vile tyrants in human history for his role. His actions in supporting the far-right government of Israel in their war crimes of collective punishment against the Palestinians are so morally reprehensible that it almost goes without saying the secondary and tertiary consequences, but I will do so nonetheless.
No president, not even the most despicable and disgraced former president Donald J. Trump, has taken actions to make Americans so much more unsafe around the globe. The continued gaslighting of blocking UN calls for aid, ceasefires, and humanitarian pauses have made Americans a global target.
Policy-wise it is completely incomprehensible that we would simultaneously give more money to the Israel government to continue this senseless violence, and give money to provide aid. We don’t have money for anything Americans need, but we can somehow afford to fund a war AND foot the bill for cleaning it up? Make no mistake I enthusiastically support the aid, but it’s too little too late since so many will starve and die of the elements if not the bombs and white phosphorus in the coming days.
Perhaps most damningly of all, he has squandered the one opportunity we might have had left to salvage some vestiges of our already flimsy democracy after the Trump administration’s fascist upheaval of our norms and institutions.
Under no circumstances, will President Biden be able to win this election. He was a hard pill to swallow with this modern electorate, but people were willing to put aside their concerns to stop the fascist emergency that was Trump. (Myself included).
As we have continued to lose our rights under the Biden Administration — and conditions have become materially worse under Biden — the overturning of Roe, the building of the Wall (despite local regulations), the insane cost of living, the pipelines, the union busting, the broken promise on student loans, inaction or minimally symbolic action on the climate emergency–to name a few–were already difficult to stomach for those committed to liberation. Now the genocide of a marginalized group makes it impossible for us to believe the lie that President Biden is the lesser of two evils. (This is without even mentioning the clear loss of this octogenarian’s faculties over the course of his time in office.)
I understand that a Republican administration would be worse for the country and the world then a Democratic one (in theory). Project 2025 would be the nail on the coffin for any hope of salvaging the democratic elements of our society.
But if both the Republican and Democrats are now openly steeped in fascist international policy — it is only a matter of time before someone like Joe Biden does what he did to the Palestinians to his own subjects. How long before we see the same war crimes committed against protesters of BLM or Trans lives? He’s already been backpedaling on some language in affirmative support of the latter group’s right to exist because of where the polling data is.
I know the DNC and the Democratic establishment is making the cynical bet that we are more afraid of far-right extremism than the DNC’s, but by settling for the lesser of two evils, we the people now recognize we have enabled the corrupt behavior of your party and organization and at some point the price needs to be paid. The DNC and Biden administration need to be held accountable to prevent YOUR extremism.
Many of us will be protesting the election because of this, myself included, if Joe Biden is the nominee. We are calling your bluff. You need us to maintain political power, and for the first time ever your lives may depend on it.
Because I don’t know if you noticed, but the Republican Party under Trump are absolute lunatics solely motivated by grievance. There isn’t a chance in hell that the first new norm Trump breaks in office is locking up political appointments. You don’t think he’s not going to appoint some thug to the DOJ to lock Hilary up? Prosecute Joe Biden? Waterboard Hunter Biden’s laptop? He lays the blame for his legal and civil woes at the feet of the DNC and his leadership.
Fascism is coming for us all. We the people — particularly the most vulnerable — would be in very much danger if Trump or a Republican wins, but I think for the first time, you corrupt, out of touch, woefully ignorant, neoliberal bureaucrats will be in very real danger as well.
Do not take the people’s vote for granted! You need us, and we need you. Stop funding and supporting the genocide in Gaza. Free the Palestinians. And put up viable alternatives to Joe Biden for the nominee and we may, just may, have one last shot at a democracy.
Francesca Bavaro
Pronouns: She/They
Reader I encourage you to message the DNC and your representatives — you may use part or all of my message if you would like!